How to choose specialization in MBA?

Posted By Riya     776 Views On Thu,17th Oct, 2019

In the world of management education which is bugged with myriad choices, two important aspects make a huge difference in the end - the institution and the specialization. Choosing a specialization is the only question that keeps toiling around in the brains of MBA students during the first two semesters. This is particularly true in case of those ones who made up their minds even before opting for MBA programs. If you are decided on pursuing your Masters, the choice of your specialization needs to be an informed one. For instance, there are nearly 50+ different specializations in the MBA or PGDM.

So you have decided that an MBA is right for you, but not sure what concentration will fit best? You’re not alone! Read through these tips for some help with your decision.

So how do you get started on the path to your decision? Take the time to think critically and do your homework so that you end up content and thriving in your concentration. 

Know yourself

What am I interested in?

What are my strengths and weaknesses?

Review your Past

Think about the jobs and internships you’ve had in the past.

What did you do in those previous jobs that you were proud of?

What did you hate? It’s a just as useful to know what areas to stay away from! 

 Think about the future

What kind of work life do I want?

Low stress or high octane?

Similar or varied tasks each day?

Mid-level or top earner?

What kind of personal life do I want? How important is.

Leisure time

Family time

Personal growth

 Research The Field And Get Involved

Attend seminars and listen to guest speakers.

Visit career fairs and talk to potential employers.

How your skills and interests could fit in with the company.

What day to day life is like in your ideal role

What they’re looking for in a good candidate.

Seek out university professors and resources, recruiters, or people who already work in your prospective concentration.

Be Flexible

Your decision stage is the time to try new things and make connections.

Remember, change is inevitable.


Even if you’re not sure what you want to concentrate in, put yourself out there and talk to people in multiple industries. You’ll learn something along the way.



Try out your prospective concentration in a summer internship for a low-risk way to test the waters.


Your concentration is not a life sentence. You can always change focuses within a concentration, or after graduation. 

Ultimately, your concentration should feel right to you, both professionally and personally. If you follow your passion and take the job market into consideration, you’ll be sure to end up in a job you love.

You should be happy as well as successful.


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